Monday, November 03, 2008

Roman for Congress - First Amendment

There is NO separation of church and state. REPEAT. There is no separation of church and state in the Constitution! I'll pay anyone $50, if you can show me the words "separation of church and state" in the Constitution or the Amendments. It's not there.

Those are words extracted from a letter to the Danbury Baptist Church by Thomas Jefferson to assure them that they can participate in local politics, even if you didn't belong to the State religion, which at the time was Congregationalist. It was then used by Justice Hugo Black in his majority opinion for the Supreme Court.

It was a bad decision. It was law made up from the bench and in no way what the Founding Fathers wanted. Check my book called "Congress Shall Make No Law" in which I show you all the documentation you need from the documents created by the framers of our Constitution!

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