Thursday, November 06, 2008

The Little Red Hen

Ever hear the story of the little Red Hen? The little red hen wanted to plant some corn, so she asked all the animals in the barnyard for help. The horse said he was busy running. The cow said she was busy easting in the pasture. The pig was too lazy. The dog said he was too busy watching the sheep and the sheep said they didn't feel like it. So she planted the corn by herself.

After it started to grow, she asked for help in weeding her garden. No one helped. She got the same answers. When the corn grew tall and was ready to pick, she asked for help in harvesting the corn and got the same answers. After she harvested it, she asked for help in grinding the corn for flour.
Again she got the same answer. No help.

Finally she baked the bread and started to eat it. The horse, the dog, the sheep, the pig and the cow all asked for a slice and the red hen said NO. You wouldn't help me, so you don't deserve the fruits of my labor.

The dog went and told the farmer what she said. The farmer came into the barnyard and took the bread away from the red hen and divided it up among the barnyard animals.

Next year, the little red hen didn't plant any corn. All the other animals wondered why.

Could the farmer be big government and the little red hen a small entrepreneur?

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