Thursday, February 05, 2009

Roman for Congress - The Franking Priviledge

The Franking Priviledge is money allotted to Congressmen and Women to mail letters or newsletters to their constituents. I have only received such a newletter from my Congressperson twice! Then it was only to tell me how great she was.

I would make sure my constituents received a newsletter at least quarterly and maybe even monthly! They would receive information that shows them where to go online to see every bill introduced into the Congress. It would also show how I voted and why I voted that way.

I would also give them information on alternative medicine websites, newsletters and doctors. I feel that Americans should have a choice on the treatment they receive. Let them make an intelligent choice. Don't make alternative treatments illigal or looked down on by allopathic medicine.

The newsletter would also have information that could help them, such as job info and alternative energy info (like fuel cells).

Since the newsletter is paid for out of taxes, they should get information that helps taxpayers, not promote the officeholder!

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