Thursday, August 31, 2006

Gas Mileage Myth?

How many of you hear about amazing carburetors, engines and fuels that produce unbelieveable gas mileage? Are they a hoax? Many of them are, but I'm concerned about those that are NOT!
People will give you all kinds of reasons why they don't exist or why they can't work. Try to follow the story to the source. What happened to all those inventors and all those people?Many stories have been proven true, but no one has picked up on those tehnologies and tried to continue.
Do we no longer have people smart enough to work with this technology? Engineers say it is technically impossible to get more energy out of gasoline. Those people who invented these things were not engineers. They didn't know it wouldn't work. Look up the patents, read the stories. See if you can find a spot where their inventions were proven not to work!
That is your assignment if you so choose to accept it.
David Lee

Saturday, August 26, 2006

100 MPG and Archie Blue

More information on Archie Blue and his 100 mpg water fuel engine.
There is more information out there than I thought and maybe bloggers from New Zealand and Australia can help. There are videos available that shows a motorcycle and cars that run on water in New Zealand and Austrailia.
Instead of just talking about it, go to these two web sites..... and
Those of you who live in these countries, please send more info, photos, websites, stories, etc.

Friday, August 25, 2006

100 MPG on Water?

Ever hear of Archie Blue? He is a New Zealand inventor who astounded the world in 1979 with an invention that would allow any car to be fueled only by water!
He was awarded a patent and demonstrated his device on many occasions. Witnesses from the Royal Auto Club in England announced that the car indeed ran on water and was getting 100 miles per gallon.
He died in 1991 and nobody ever heard of his invention again. Have any bloggers heard of him or his invention. Do you believe it is true?