Monday, January 26, 2009

Roman for Congress - Last Will & Testament

Being of sound mind and body, I hereby leave to my children and heirs, my country. I am sorry I didn’t leave it to you the way I found it. It is now politically correct and bankrupt, spiritually, morally and financially.

I thought I left you Freedom of Speech, but the “Fairness Doctrine” outlawed free speech. I wasn’t allowed to correct the politicians, it might offend them. I couldn’t criticize people who didn’t work and took money from the government, it offended them. I couldn’t pray in public for the soldiers fighting for our country, a former Ku Klux Klansman Supreme Court Judge made up a law in 1947 that said I couldn’t pray or say the name of Jesus in public. That might offend someone.

I tried to leave you secure in your person, house, paper and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, but the Patriot Act changed that.

I tried to leave you something of value, but no one would help me. They were too busy watching football, baseball or basketball on TV. Others were watching degrading films and programs on TV. Many were too busy trying to feed their habits and vices.

The only thing I left you was the right to bear arms. They haven’t taken that away yet, but it’s not for lack of trying. You will soon find out that this one possession I leave you will have to be used to take back all the other freedoms that were taken away from you.

God Bless You

Your Loving Dad


Friday, January 16, 2009

Roman for Congress - Sessions of Congress

Do elected officials in Washington know who we are? These people have spent most of their life in D.C. The majority of people they talk to are lobbyists and each other. You can write all the letters you want and you'll get back a "thank you for your opinion" letter from their computers. They do come home at election time and rush from meeting to meeting to convince you to send them back to Washington!

I would propose a bill that allows Congress to be in session for ONLY 6 months a year. The other six months they would be required to be in their district offices listening to people like you and me. Lobbyists or corporate reps can have one day a week while they are in their home offices.

Another suggestion I received was to come to their home district for 3 months at a time and instead of sitting in his office, the congressman would go out into the community. Visit businesses, go to high school sports games and sit with the parents. Let him visit the producers in this country. God knows we get enough news about people down and out. We are taking care of them, but quit punishing the people who produce the wealth. It sure isn't the government!

Once they start listening to the people who put them their, their attitudes would change drastically.
