Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Jim Straw and the Lyceum Blog

Jim used to publish a business newsletter called the WWBE, the World Wide Business Exchange. I've known Jim through mail order and now the internet for 30 plus years. He has business knowledge that is unbelievable because he actually ran many of the businesses he talks about.
He decided to start a BLOG and it too is great. Check his blog and check it frequently, because he will have lots of new info and lots of posts made to the blog.
Just go to http://www.businesslyceum.com/Blog.html You won't be disappointed!
Dave Roman

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

114 MPG Revolution SUV

Can an SUV get 114 MPG? This gentleman designed an SUV in 2000 that he claims got that kind of mileage. Go to this website and checkout the automotive links: http://www.rmi.org.


This is a good website for information and books on making your own energy and electricity. Go to: www.network6000.com/news2006 Some good books on Nikola Tesla.