Thursday, September 21, 2006

More on Using Water for Fuel

This subject gets more interesting. I read an article about a guy that was working on creating free energy from water and Agonne? The story gos on to say he was approached by mysterious men who warned him to stop working on this technology. He was threatened, so he did.
Strangely enough, there are other sites about this phenomenon. Go to: . Another good site is
Want to find out about those gas mileage gimmicks that you can add to your gas or attach to your engine? This site sells just such a book for only $19.95. Go to:
Lets have some comments on this technology. Is it a farce or is it for real?

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Fast As Lightning - an Electric Car?

Check the October 2006 issue of Popular Mechanics, page 21. Some say the electric car is dead. Maybe because of current prices, but not technologically!
This sleek roadster is called the Tesla. (What else?) It only takes 3.5 hours to charge and has a range of 250 miles per charge. Get this..... it goes from 0 to 60 in about 4 seconds and can top out at 130 miles per hour!
It uses a 185 kilowatt electric induction motor and lithium-ion cells. It will be available next summer for $89,000 to $100,000. Read the article!

Thursday, September 14, 2006


There are a lot of blogs on the internet, but not that many about alternate energy sources. This is a good one and is very comprehensive. Check it out at

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


You heard that right. Have you ever heard of the APT Tax? That stands for the Automated Payment Tax. Is it possible to replace all of the following taxes with a system of taxation which is simple, efficient, progressive and revenue neutral. The answer is YES!
This plan can eliminate the following taxes....... income tax, corporate income tax, state income tax, fuel tax, capital gains tax, gift tax, estate tax, excise tax and the sales tax. All deductions and exemptions will be eliminated!
This system was developed by University of Wisconsin Professor of Economics Edgar L. Feige. I am not going to explain it in this blog. His web site can do it much better. It's a great web site and very informative. Read about it and ask your congressperson supports it.
Go to
After you read about it, post a comment here, whether you are for it or against it and why!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Mass Market Car that exceeds 100 MPG?

If you've read the September 2006 issue of Business 2.0 you will see an article about the X Prize Foundation. This foundation, created by Peter Diamandis, is sponsoring a special contest for those of you with above average automotive technical ability.
There is a contest whose goal is to find someone who can mass market a car that significantly exceeds 1oo Miles Per Gallon! Prize money is more than 10,000,000! You heard that right.... more than TEN MILLION DOLLARS!
Prizes will be awarded from Spring 2007 to 2012! Check his foundation website at