Saturday, February 09, 2008

GET 121 MPG!

Have you seen this ad in the March issue of Popular Mechanics? This company will guarantee you get a minimum of 50% improvement. SUV's will get 100 Miles Per Gallon.

I went to and watched their video. I was impressed but also disappointed at the video. It wasn't as professional as it could have been. The overview of the technology is that all our cars are restricted with a governor in the onboard computer, so we burn more liquid than gas vapor. They install another computer which changes and monitors all that, giving fantastic increases in mileage. Then replace your catalytic converter and get even better mileage with almost no emissions.

You can also burn water with it. (Have you heard that in these posts before?)

You can also make money as a mechanic or buying their franchise.

If this is all true, three things could happen......
1) The oil industry will put them out of business immediately,
2) The auto industry could be in collusion with oil and they've been screwing us all these years,
3) If it works, we will be free from the oil barons and mid east oil. They can keep their oil for the camels!

What is your opinion?

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Is Ethanol going to replace gas? Are we going to put fuel from corn in our gas tank? What about other alternatives? Shouldn't we at least look at them? Tesla once had a car that seemed to run on air. Many people. including New Zealanders run their cars on water.

Yes, I've talked about this many times before, but why isn't anyone looking at this. Prove that it is a fraud! You are a kook if you believe cars can run on water (so they say). Who is "they"? The oil companies and their investors and supporters.

If everyone was able to set up their engines to run on water, what would happen to big oil? Billions, maybe trillions of dollars will be lost. The middle east would go back to being a medieval people. They wouldn't have oil money to use against us. It's all about money. It's not about us!

47 Million People Can't Be Wrong!

How many times have you heard a politician say that "47 million people go to bed hungry each night!"

Do you believe that? If you tell a big enough lie and you tell iy long enough, people will believe it is true! Now tell me, is there a government agency that makes 47 million phone calls each night to see if people had a meal that night? You know that's a fairy tale.

Why do we believe anything the government tells us? They want to send checks to everyone as an economic stimulus. Others say it will add to the national debt. Who do we owe the debt to? The government can print all the paper money it wants to buy whar it wants. Who do we pay this debt to? The Federal Reserve? Treasury Bond owners? Please tell me.