Thursday, July 19, 2007

Boy Scouts vs the ACLU

For many years now, the ACLU has been trying to destroy the Boy Scouts and all they stand for. It is said that we, the taxpayers help support the ACLU do this!

A provision of U.S. Code 1988, Civil Rights Act 42, allows for public funding of lawyer's fees for civil rights cases. The law was passed 30 yeras ago and was meant to help victims of actual discrimination. Today the ACLU is abusing this law to secure taxpayer dollars for their attacks on the Boy Scouts, among other groups.

It is said they even get a million dollars in some cases. I have not read the whole civil rights act, but if this is true, it should be deleted from the law. Why should the ACLU get rich destroying out heritage!

Any comments?

Friday, July 06, 2007

Home Business Digest

I used to publish a home biz newsletter called Roman Reports for 20 years (1976-1996). It is the oldest newsletter of its kind. I recently started an internet newsletter/service.

It is published monthly. Some of the services you get monthly are:
Free software (similar to excel, photoshop, etc.)
Free eBooks that contain quality information. (One good idea will make it worthwhile)
Links to some of the best home business sites and ideas for making money
Articles on alternative fuels (Can you run your car on water?)
Articles on alternative medicine (Can you treat illnesses with color?)

There are other bonuses you receive as a regular subscriber.
Go to my website at and click on the surf the net link OR
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Dave Roman, publisher