Roman for Congress - We Surround Them
Some posts I see are too little too late. Putting up signs in your yard will not sway anyone, much less a Congressperson. Writing letters is fine, if you like the computer generated "Thank you for your opinion" reply.
Remember the last line of the Declaration? "we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor. Are you willing to make that pledge? Most Americans aren't. They don't want to lose their jobs. They are worried about their families. Their savings are being depleted.
It's time to play hard ball.
I was Reagans Northern Ohio Campaign coordinator in 1976 and did a lot of organizing throughout the State of Ohio. Each congressional district has to bring together a minimum of 100 Constitutional, Glenn Beck supporters. Then they must travel (maybe by bus) to the capital. All 100 (more would be better) must then go to their representatives' office and fill the office and halls. The group's spokesman must then tell the congressman or his chief of staff, that they are demanding (politely) that the congressman vote the Constitution, Vote only fiscally responsible, constitutional laws.
Then tell the congressman that all these people are going back to the district to find a person they believe in (a minister, businessman, etc). Tell him you are going to start organizing and fund raising immediately to run a candidate against the congressman to replace him. 500 people in your district (including your 100) can contribute $100 each for $50,000 which should help raise even more funds. Then make sure the candidate you select will go DOOR TO DOOR in the district. Have him use all the latest tech support in his or her campaign. I know I have a web site, a blog and can make use of Twitter, FaceBook and YouTube just like Obama did.
You can do this on a limited budget. Put the candidates beliefs on a web site and blog. Print up flyers for him or her to use when going door to door. Tell people to go to your sight to see your (Constitutional) beliefs. If they don't like what you believe in, don't vote for me! Stay away from the news media. You know whose side they are on. Kinda make it like a stealth campaign.
Lastly, make sure your candidate is NOT a professional candidate or politician. Get someone who will stay in Congress a couple of terms and then come home.
Labels: Glenn Beck, We Surround Them