Saturday, November 22, 2008

Roman for Congress - Freedom

Freedom means a lot of things to many people. What does freedom mean to you?
Freedom is freedom of speech, even if it might hurt or insult people. Political correctness is NOT freedom. It is censorship and it depends on who is doing the censoring. The McCain-Feingold act is political censorship.

Talk radio is freedom of speech. It is market based talk (or listening) A good example is a local talk radio station I listened to had Glen Beck as one of the morning talk show hosts. I really liked his program. Then one day the station replaced him with Jerry Springer. I didn't care for Jerry Springer, so I switched stations at that time slot. I did NOT write the station or my Congressman asking that he be removed. I just turned the dial. I guess a lot of people did that because Jerry was gone after 6 months. People just didn't want to hear Jerry and advertising for that time slot went down. It was a matter of profit for the station.

Freedom was provided by the Constitution and the Ten Amendments. Those were created based on the Judeo-Christian concepts of the Founding Fathers. The evidence and documentation is overwhelming. Blocking access to these documents by not requiring such courses in school is a form of censorship.

Unless Americans are educated, we will lose our freedom completely. If you interview anybody under 21 about U.S. History, the Constitution or the 10 Amendments you will see the total lack of such knowledge. That is sad and because of that we are not free. We are slaves to the government.
Freedom means not FORCING people to hear opposing views. There are a lot of other stations he can host a show on like Air America. I can't help it they are almost bankrupt. They did not have a product that the market wanted!


Monday, November 10, 2008

Roman for Congress - The Military

One of the few finctions of Government that is efficient and worth the money is our military. It's the militray that fights for our freedoms and allows liberals to whine about how bad America is.

Our fighting men put their lives on the line for their country and they should be treated as the heroes they are. Half the congress tries to destroy them in the press.

What we need is a program that takes complete care of fighting men including:
1) Complete lifetime medical care for any soldier wounded in battle.
2) Complete care of the soldiers family. Make sure they have enough money
to pay their all their bills. Congress takes care of themselves. Take the same care of their families.
3) Allow the GI bill to pay for their college. One year of college for every year of service.

When I was in the service (the 101st Airborne), I could hitch hike anywhere in this country when I wore my uniform. Americans loved a service man. Many even bought my meals and some even gave me gifts when hitch hiking home before Christmas.

We have to return to those times of respect and love of country.

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Roman for Congress - Politically Correct Speech

You all know what politically correct speech is. It is speech that is edited or dumbed down. You can't say anything to offend anyone, expecially in politics.

That was the whole idea of Freedom of Speech. You had to allow free people to say wahtever they want in the political world. You can't censor them. Many of the founding fathers said that voters had to be educated. They wanted people to find out all the information they could about people who are running for public office.

If one idealogy controls all the news media, then people will not know the truth. They will not be educated. If someone is publishing lies in the newspapers, radio, TV or the internet, then people should know where to go to determine the truth.

Liberals don't like talk radio, but where else can you find out about bills that Congress is trying to sneak through without the public knowing? What are they afraid of?

A local radio station took Glen Beck off the air and replaced him with Jerry Springer. I did care for Jerry Springer, but I didn't write the station asking him to be removed! I just changed the station. I didn't listen to him. Apparently a lot of people did the same thing and 6 months later Jerry was taken off the air. The market place determines who is successful.

The Fairness Doctrine is not fair. It is anti American and censors free speech. If liberals want to talk about opposing views, then let them have their own talk shows. Look at Air America. Why did it fail. Because not many people wanted to listen to people whining and putting down America.

We have to go back to the values that made this country great. Reagan was the last President that made us feel good about America!

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Thursday, November 06, 2008

Roman for Congress - Second Amendment

There is much written about the right to bear arms and it is evident from all the documentation that we have a right to bear arms to protect ourselves and our families from an oppressive government.

I will talk about this later, but for those of you who live in Ohio , take a look at the Ohio Constitution.

Section 1.04 Bearing arms; standing armies; military powers (1851)
The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security; but standing armies; in time of peace, are dangerous to liberty, and shall not be kept up; and the military shall be in strict subordination to the civil power.

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The Little Red Hen

Ever hear the story of the little Red Hen? The little red hen wanted to plant some corn, so she asked all the animals in the barnyard for help. The horse said he was busy running. The cow said she was busy easting in the pasture. The pig was too lazy. The dog said he was too busy watching the sheep and the sheep said they didn't feel like it. So she planted the corn by herself.

After it started to grow, she asked for help in weeding her garden. No one helped. She got the same answers. When the corn grew tall and was ready to pick, she asked for help in harvesting the corn and got the same answers. After she harvested it, she asked for help in grinding the corn for flour.
Again she got the same answer. No help.

Finally she baked the bread and started to eat it. The horse, the dog, the sheep, the pig and the cow all asked for a slice and the red hen said NO. You wouldn't help me, so you don't deserve the fruits of my labor.

The dog went and told the farmer what she said. The farmer came into the barnyard and took the bread away from the red hen and divided it up among the barnyard animals.

Next year, the little red hen didn't plant any corn. All the other animals wondered why.

Could the farmer be big government and the little red hen a small entrepreneur?

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Monday, November 03, 2008

Roman for Congress - First Amendment

There is NO separation of church and state. REPEAT. There is no separation of church and state in the Constitution! I'll pay anyone $50, if you can show me the words "separation of church and state" in the Constitution or the Amendments. It's not there.

Those are words extracted from a letter to the Danbury Baptist Church by Thomas Jefferson to assure them that they can participate in local politics, even if you didn't belong to the State religion, which at the time was Congregationalist. It was then used by Justice Hugo Black in his majority opinion for the Supreme Court.

It was a bad decision. It was law made up from the bench and in no way what the Founding Fathers wanted. Check my book called "Congress Shall Make No Law" in which I show you all the documentation you need from the documents created by the framers of our Constitution!

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Sunday, November 02, 2008

Roman for Congress - Education 2nd Part

After the control of education is returned to the States, I hope they go back to the old fashioned way of teaching. Why? Because it worked for over 150 years!

In order to have a good teaching environment, three things are necessary:
1) RESPECT for the education process and the teachers.
2) Parents and parental support.
3) None of the above will work without DISCIPLINE!

I went to school in the late 40's and early 50's. We respected our parents and teachers. If we got bad grades or got in trouble in school, we were disciplined by the teachers and that discipline was supported by our parents. You've probably heard an old timer say that after he was disciplined by the teacher, he was afraid to go home, because he'd get disciplined by his parents.

Yes, we got spanked, paddled and intimidated by the teachers, but we survived! There was no one running to a lawyer about poor Jane or poor Johnny's feelings being hurt. Kids have legal rights today. Back then you weren't an adult and you didn't have rights until you were 18 years old.

Being in a Catholic school, we wore uniforms! We started the day with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. We also wore uniforms which was a form of discipline. I also spent the 5th and 6th grade in a public school and we still started the day with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. No ACLU bothering us back then. We need that type of basic schooling and discipline again today.

Hey, we didn't turn out so bad!

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Saturday, November 01, 2008

Roman for Congress - Education

Isn't the state of our schools in a sorry condition? Kids coming out of High School don't know American History or anything about are Founding Fathers. They don't know math and not very much good English.

After teaching (part time) for 5 years in a local business college, I can attest to this. The problem is the Department of Education and the NEA. Jimmy Carter created the Department of Education as the payoff to the NEA for helping him get elected. When he proposed this cabinet level agency, he said that we could bring the best and brightest minds together to create superior education for our students.

As you know, that didn't happen. In some schools, students can't even read their diplomas (so it's said). Here is my answer

Eliminate the Department of Education! Send the money and responsibility back to the States. Department employees could be transferred back to the States, reassigned to another government agency or find another line of work like we have to do! Think of it. Now we will have the best and brightest minds from each of the 50 states going to the State Capitols and creating 50 learning programs for their separate states. They would also be DIRECTLY responsible to the voters of the State. Even better, if that money comes from Washington to the States, we could reduce or eliminate property taxes to pay for schools!

This would be a monumental task, and couldn't be done overnight, but it is better that throwing more money at the problem and seeing the same results. WAKE UP! Throwing money at the problem hasn't worked for 30 or 40 years. What makes you think it will work now.

Then the parents must be given free choice, whether it's vouchers, or another method. Taxpayers pay for education of their children as a first priority. Teachers must be paid well, but they must also be accountable. Good teachers will remain and get better pay. Teachers who don't measure up should find another job.

America is about freedom and freedom of choice. Ronald Reagan said "Government is NOT the solution to the problem. Government IS the problem."

The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results each time.

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