Roman for Congress - Freedom
Freedom is freedom of speech, even if it might hurt or insult people. Political correctness is NOT freedom. It is censorship and it depends on who is doing the censoring. The McCain-Feingold act is political censorship.
Talk radio is freedom of speech. It is market based talk (or listening) A good example is a local talk radio station I listened to had Glen Beck as one of the morning talk show hosts. I really liked his program. Then one day the station replaced him with Jerry Springer. I didn't care for Jerry Springer, so I switched stations at that time slot. I did NOT write the station or my Congressman asking that he be removed. I just turned the dial. I guess a lot of people did that because Jerry was gone after 6 months. People just didn't want to hear Jerry and advertising for that time slot went down. It was a matter of profit for the station.
Freedom was provided by the Constitution and the Ten Amendments. Those were created based on the Judeo-Christian concepts of the Founding Fathers. The evidence and documentation is overwhelming. Blocking access to these documents by not requiring such courses in school is a form of censorship.
Unless Americans are educated, we will lose our freedom completely. If you interview anybody under 21 about U.S. History, the Constitution or the 10 Amendments you will see the total lack of such knowledge. That is sad and because of that we are not free. We are slaves to the government.
Freedom means not FORCING people to hear opposing views. There are a lot of other stations he can host a show on like Air America. I can't help it they are almost bankrupt. They did not have a product that the market wanted!
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